Lesley and Graeme Smith

Lesley and Graeme Smith are regular travellers, keen gardeners and pet lovers.
We have friendly long-term neighbours, low maintenance garden with automatic watering, monitored security system – but every time we arrive home from a holiday, or visiting the grandkids interstate, there is that feeling of concern about what we might find.
The reason we have not replaced our pets – dogs, cats, birds, even a pair of donkeys – was the problem of holidays.
After years wondering why there was no organisation we could call to take care of everything while we’re away, we have decided to be that organisation – hence 1-Call Holiday Arrangements.
1-Call also presents a business opportunity and “encore career” as Area Partners, to the many trustworthy and reliable Australians approaching “retirement age” or currently semi-retired who are not yet ready for the rocking chair on the verandah. They want to “give something back” and still have too much they want to achieve and the need to continue to pay their own way demands more than welfare dependence will provide.
Professionally, Graeme has worked for many years advising businesses on mature-age consumers. He is a vocal advocate of the benefits to the economy in harnessing the expertise, experience and life skills of mature-age Australians.