Years of loving care and attention to your garden can be undone very quickly in your absence with a burst of hot weather – particularly with prized pots, hanging baskets or your veggie patch.
You know those spots under the eaves, and the pots on the verandah, that need hand-watering even if it has rained.

That’s where the professional skill and care from 1-Call takes all those worries off your mind and allows you to totally relax on your next holiday away from home.
During our Getting Acquainted Meeting we’ll discuss the needs of your garden, particularly:
- Watering requirements, including your pots and hanging baskets
- Adjusting automatic watering systems for weather changes
- Fertilising and pest protection
- Overseeing scheduled maintenance in your absence
Having become acquainted through a successful holiday arrangement, numerous Clients ask 1-Call to continue to take care of their gardens on an ongoing basis.